Having been inspired by Jesus’ fasting in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights, during the last month I have cast Jarrod and Dawn into the digital wilderness for a (considerably) less impressive 30 days and nights.
Perhaps you saw them? They appeared on alternate days, almost as if they were competing with each other for the limelight, and by the time the 30 days came to an end they were well and truly on course for a collision of Biblical proportions. Well, maybe not quite Biblical proportions but the word ‘collision’ would certainly be appropriate for what lies ahead…
I’d better be careful. That almost counts as a spoiler. And, having given you 30 whole chapters of Accidental Crime for nothing, the last thing I should be doing is going and giving away the best bits, right? You see, I’m afraid the 30 day sample is well and truly over and so your options for exploring the world of Jarrod and Dawn just that little bit more are narrowing by the hour.
30 chapters was quite a lot to give away really. Some novels don’t have anywhere near 30 chapters in total and so you might well be tempted to think that you’ve got to be pretty close to the end now. I mean, if we’re 30 chapters in, surely there’s only about two chapters to go, wrapping everything up? Yes, it would be nice to see how it finishes but we could just guess and make up our own, probably superior, ending rather than shelling out actual money for nothing more than a few dozen pages, if that.
If only. However, I am here today to tell you that if you are going with that theory then you are, I’m afraid, very wrong indeed. There are many more chapters to come and many more exciting things to be revealed. To be honest, the rest of the novel may even be slightly better than what you have already have. Actually, scrap that – the rest of the novel is significantly better than what has come before. So much better in fact that you might well ask why I didn’t just start it all from there and forget the first 30 chapters.
So, what do you do? How, given this new revelation, could you respond? Well, as far as I see it, you have 5 realistic options:
1) Write your own ending.
2) Imagine your own ending and enjoy thinking up alternatives while eating some toast.
3) Shrug your shoulders, say ‘meh’ and forget this whole month ever happened.
4) Go to Amazon and purchase the novel on Kindle to find out what happens.
5) Go to www.samlenton.co.uk and purchase a paperback of the novel so that you too can recreate this picture:
(Thumb not included – use your own)
Many thanks to everyone who supported the 30 day book promotion. We had almost 900 page-views in a month and probably only 600 of those were me…
If anyone chooses to go with options 4 or 5, I’d be excited to hear what you think of the rest of the novel. Any reviews are greatly appreciated!
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