Friday, 8 July 2011

Mini-blog-journal-type-thing Day 5

So, the writing week has come to an end. I feel like we’ve been through a lot together in these mini-blogs. We’ve covered all sorts of vital information, such as the number of cups of coffee I’ve had in the day, how many white vans have been parked outside and what the public (well, my street) must have thought as I marched purposefully towards my house yesterday evening clasping a larger-than-usual onion. You even know how many words I’ve written and how I’ve felt about it all. It’s like candid camera: the blog version. I mean, they say you should be careful about what you put on the internet, but I’ve just gone and put it out there like some sort of shameless exhibitionist. *Slaps wrist*

Here’s the good news: I actually finished the first draft!

I wasn’t expecting to succeed this week, particularly as I hadn’t looked at the novel for months, but I’ve had a really good week and I can now happily tell you that I’m at the print-it-out-and-discover-if-it’s-any-good stage. Let’s hope it is. If only to avoid it being a significant waste of paper.

Sadly, this is likely to be the end of the daily journals, as I need to return to my real job next week and so it’s not likely that I’ll have the time to experience interesting things, let alone write about them. The blog will continue sporadically though, as always, and will continue to press ahead with its primary aim of solving the world’s problems. We’ve pretty much dealt with rain and political revolution, so the prospects are good.

And now, by popular demand, here’s the final daily overview:

Words written: too hard to tell and quite a few have been deleted today, so I may even be in the red…

Lamp turned on/off: 8(ish) – why can’t the sun just make up its mind?

Tomb Raider games purchased in the Steam sale: 1

Sense of regret that I wasn’t at work this week: Absent

Length of a visit from a friend: 19 minutes

New websites created by members of my family: 1 (

Best Google search: Girls names beginning with R (well, why do the thinking when google can do it for you?)

The feeling that I simply eat too many sausage rolls: moderate to high

Optimism Level: 85%

Chances of completing first draft of novel this week: 100%

That’s all for the mini-blog-journal-type-things that have documented my 5 days as a proper writer. If these have been the only 5 days I ever have then I will look back on them fondly and with much gratitude.

Thank you for being with me through them!

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