Monday, 20 June 2011

Sale of the Century


Who's the Bay sales 2

Yesterday was a big day in the life and times of Sam Lenton and so it seems only fitting to mention it in my blog. As you can see from the picture above, the DVD of my Christmas play, Who’s the Baby?, officially went on sale – by ‘officially’ I mean there was a table and a notice – and, as you can also see from the picture, copies were literally flying off the shelves…

OK, that’s not entirely accurate. They weren’t even on a shelf for starters, but at least they were out there and, if someone took a great dislike to them, then perhaps they were flying (just in a slightly more aggressive sense than would be ideal)?

It will also be abundantly clear to you that this is a big money business – I mean, sell enough of these and I can surely kiss teaching goodbye, can’t I? Two pounds isn’t exactly a price you’d see advocated on The Apprentice as a particularly positive marketing strategy but if I can cover the costs of production and still have enough left over to buy a Wispa then I’ll be a happy chappy. *Shudders at having written the phrase ‘happy chappy’*

On Saturday evening we hosted a gathering of the actors from the play (plus a special guest from my recent involvement in the Mark Drama) and enjoyed a viewing of the play, so I can vouch that it is at least watchable. Avatar it is not, but then again I don’t tend to think of the Nativity characters being blue anyway, so I’m probably not missing out on anything there. Nor is it in 3D, although the live version was. And as for bonus features, well, there’s a spelling mistake in the credits. See if you can spot it…

I say that, assuming that my loyal readers might somehow become my loyal watchers and, if possible, I would like to be able to make the DVD available for those of you who aren’t able to visit the one table from which copies are being sold (which, let’s be honest, is probably most people in the world – it’s a pretty small table…). I’ve tried to set it up as an item to purchase using a PayPal account and so I think the link below should give you the opportunity to buy it. The total cost comes out as £3.50, as I’ve added postage cost for those I’d need to send it to, but if you are likely to actually see me in person then it may well make a lot more sense to avoid all this unnecessary complexity and just hand over a couple of coins (preferably pound coins) next time you see me. Here’s the link:

It’s only fair to tell you that I haven’t managed to test whether this definitely works or not and I’m not sure whether it will give you the opportunity to type in a delivery address, so if there are any issues then let me know and we can always sort it via email.

There is, of course, no requirement to buy this thing just because you read my blog and you’re more than welcome to tut and sigh as much as you like in response to my attempts at a bit of self-marketing. On the other hand, if you would like me to write a blog celebrating your existence and everything you stand for, then perhaps you’d like to buy multiple copies?

In other news, does anyone know of any good kettles? Preferably ones that don’t leak.

1 comment:

  1. Kettle crisps don't tend to leak, nor kettle drums as far as I know. Police kettles of students or other such "rowdy" elements probably don't leak any more now that they mastered the technique, but then there's only one of you and you're not police trained, so that's no good either. How about a cauldron instead? Could be used for soups and punch as well as copious amounts of coffee? Then again, you tend to need a big fire, dark night, black cat and warts to use one. You only have the cat (assuming night has not yet fallen nor in a particularly dark manner) and that isn't even a black cat. Not doing well so far. Our kettle doesn't leak, but then we're using it, sorry. We bought it about 7 years ago now so I guess they don't make things like they used to.

