Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Return of the Ma[r]k


  OK, time for a bit of idol-worship to liven up a Tuesday afternoon.

This evening, my wife and I have the pleasure of returning to see Mr Mark Watson in Fareham, barely 6 months after his triumphant gig in Southampton. I know, it’s almost like we’re stalking him…

Long-term readers of the blog (or those who have decided to catch up on the archive) will know that I began this blog writing process with a bit of shameless Watson-worship, pointing out that my work was unlikely to emulate the 10-year daily blog challenge that Mark set himself over a year ago (link here). The fact that I have produced 24 blog entries in just under a year would suggest that even a weekly blog challenge is beyond me, so once I again I am taking my metaphorical hat off to Mark for maintaining his contributions.

At the Southampton gig, I’m afraid I did do one of those ridiculous fan things of standing in a long queue waiting to say some gushing comment that would no doubt come out as ‘I like your shoes’ or something equally pointless, while clutching a copy of Mark’s latest novel ('Eleven') which I had rescued from the boot of my car just in time. The conversation went a little like this:

Sam’s wife: He’s your biggest fan. He wants to be like you. (Sam shakes his head in an embarrassed fashion and tries to look cool)

Mark: Oh – well – I’ve already got a biggest fan. My mum.

Sam: That’s OK. I couldn’t beat your mum. (Sam shakes his head eagerly, confirming to Mark that no, there is absolutely no way he would beat his mum. Mark nervously giggles and nods back.)

For some strange reason, we didn’t become instant friends, nor was I invited to join him on stage at all future gigs. In fact, if I recall, I didn’t even get a book deal out of it.

Saying that, nothing I’ve done recently (or in the past) seems to be getting me a book deal, so a change of strategy/ability is definitely needed…

I do hope I don’t say/do anything stupid tonight. On the plus side, if I do then it will make for a more interesting blog tomorrow.

(Note – in case you are very concerned about me, I’m going to reduce the term ‘idol-worship’ down to ‘admiration’.)

(Second note – who’s my biggest fan? Any volunteers?)

(Third note – Mark, on the off-chance that you’ve read this, I apologise profusely.)

1 comment:

  1. Mischievous Maisie17 June 2011 at 21:08

    Well obviously I am not your 'biggest' in terms of size but I can claim to be your greatest fan, muse and inspiration! You have written about me more than the wife, so that must say something. On the other hand perhaps your wife (and indeed your mother) will disagree. They have the advantage of status that cannot be denied. Just don't dismiss the advantage I have of being there to relieve your stress when you return from work, greet you warmly in the morning, nipping you playfully to keep you alert and functioning etc.. etc.. Oops - come to think of it, maybe 'THE WIFE' does these glorious duties too?! Mmmm - paws for thought.

