1) It is the cause of arguments - which is the first day of the week, Sunday or Monday? Surely a day of the week shouldn't lead to angry outbursts, raised voices, furrowed brows and general sighing and tutting?
2) No good sporting event has started or ended on a Monday. True, Sky briefly flirted with Monday Night Football but mostly this led to a swathe of confused conversations in pubs and living rooms, which generally ran along the lines of 'Football? On a Monday? Surely not'.
3) Sunday is the day of rest and relaxation and so, coming just one day later, Monday stands in complete contrast as the nation anxiously trundles back to work, shouting through car windows at the 'idiot' who is making them run late to the place they don't even want to go to. In fact, just think of the contrast in the names - 'Sunday' contains the word 'sun' which has associations of brightness, life, happiness, summer, whilst 'Monday' contains the as-yet-unused word 'mon', which quite rightly comes up with a little red squiggle under it when you type it out.
4) There is a discrepancy between spelling and pronunciation - it is spelled 'Monday' but pronounced 'Munday'.
5) Many years ago, the new Spice Girls album came out on a Monday.
6) Every Monday, the newspapers provide a second round-up of the football scores from the weekend and millions across the country scramble through the pages in the hope that Sunday's report was inaccurate and that somehow by Monday the Football Association has declared the poor result your team achieved 'unfair' and has awarded you the victory on 'moral grounds'. At the time of typing this, this has yet to happen.
7) Nothing dramatic is likely to happen in Neighbours until at least Thursday.
8) You can't get 2-for-1 cinema tickets on a Monday. No-one thought that 'Orange Mondays' would ever catch on and so Monday now sits in envy as Wednesday reaps in the glory.
9) You can't get a take-away on a Monday. It just feels wrong.
10) Bank Holiday Mondays are always a let-down, especially when they fall in the May Half Term week and you would have had the day off anyway.
Tomorrow, Tuesdays...
Both your first posts are very funny Honey - I'm very proud of you! Your wifeX